Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Something is Happening

I decided to take this opportunity to show how I tend to see the world through the lens of a major band nerd. 

Link below

As someone who listens to hours of music every single day and wants to start a band in the future, it would seem plausible that sometimes a phrase I find floating around in the world catches my eye. When I noticed that my popcorn bottle said "Ways to Pop" on the back, I thought it sounded catchy. I then made it my mission to find band titles and song names wherever I went. I perused books and billboards, scoured the labels of household items, and kept my eye open for anything that seemed appealing. 

If the music lovers of Generation X use the new media of the smartphone and internet to explore Spotify to both find new sounds and appreciate the old, then it is just as McLuhan says: the new media is "their door to all past achievement if studied as an active (and not necessarily benign) force" (100). This project would not have come to be had it not been for the hours I spend with my headphones in, exploring for the recommendations of others who decide to spend their short little lives appreciating art. It is another kind of education, the education of the future. 

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this! Brilliant! This is an incredibly creative and attractive approach. I truly admire the depth your work reflects.
