Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Practice Makes Perfect

As I thought about what to possibly make my video on, I considered something I do just about every single day-- practice piano. It isn't glamorous, it isn't always fun or relaxing, and it doesn't produce a sound I would consider pretty. As is discussed in McLuhan's "The Medium is the Massage," digital media allows us to be involved in each others' lives in a way that has never before been possible. On another note, the advent of the digital camera and film has allowed artists to present the world to their audience by showing them only what they want to see, which is different than seeing a play or traversing a landscape. I wanted to force the viewer to experience or listen to something they may not find fascinating as a means of understanding what goes into a practice session. This is the reality of being a classical pianist!

"The eye--it cannot choose but see; we cannot bid the ear be still; our bodies feel, where'er they be, against or with our will." -- Wordsworth

1 comment:

  1. I was very impressed with the fact you focused on more of an every-day activity than something specific or unique - not to say practicing the piano is not unique! It really captures a whole new perspective of art and focus more on the not-so-glamorous or perfect aspects of our lives.
